STEMFEST Knox is open to Middle and High School teams who may choose from three challenges: Toothpick bridge engineering, water purification, and home heating. Kits are provide free to an adult coach. STEMfest Knox judging will take place on Saturday February 27, 2016. Register on line at and pick up kits at SPI Spot.
STEMFEST Knox Problem Presentations have taken place. We will post a link to the video as soon as it is available.
More information about STEMfest Knox can be found in the packet below- you can read it here on line or download it below. Or email [email protected] with questions.
2016stemfestknoxpacket011216.pdf |
stemfest_knox_2015_global_water_rubric.pdf |
stemfest_knox_2015_home_energy_rubric.pdf |
stemfest_knox_2015_bridge_rubric.pdf |